by Pa Mac | Feb 27, 2013 | Trees 'n' Wild Plants
First, the name. Bodark, or bois d’arc, or Osage orange, or hedge apple, or horse apple, or bowwood; take your pick. If you want to be fancy, call it Maclura pomifera. I’ll refer to it as my folks always did: bodark. One of the main uses for wood on the traditional...
by Pa Mac | Feb 18, 2013 | Country Ways
It use to be that trees felled on farm acreage rarely left that farm. They were used for everything from building the outhouses or fences to just being burnt for the cooking or washing. Wood always has been and probably always will be the most efficient, economical...
by Pa Mac | Jan 30, 2013 | Gardenin' n' Orchards
The Lunar Cycles Effects on Gardening In my last post called “Farming by the Moon Phases…Made Simple”, I mentioned many of the diverse aspects of farm life that are affected by the lunar phases. In this little monograph, I’ll be more detailed as to the moon’s...
by Pa Mac | Jan 30, 2013 | Country Ways
The Lunar Cycles Effects on Farming The moon is nice to look at; but not just nice to look at. It’s been useful ever since Adam figured out (or asked) what to do with it. The first chapter of Genesis spoke of this “lesser light” that’s to “govern” the night, as well...
by Pa Mac | Jan 7, 2013 | How'd They Use to Do That?
To cook my beans and keep me warm,I’ll mud and cat all dayBut if at night I hear the roar,I’ll kick the pole, then run away.- Clay Dobbins From a quarter of the year to almost half of it, most of us in the United States are trying to keep warm…somehow; always...